Regulated and Ready to Learn 


Welcome to this site where we'll be sharing information about how to support children and young people to be Regulated and Ready to Learn in our classrooms.

Whether you are a parent/carer, child-minder, teacher or in another supporting role, we hope that you will find this site helpful. If you care for children and young people you have a vital role to play in supporting and shaping the development of their self-regulation skills and capacities through a process we call 'co-regulation'. Positive relationships are central to this process, and in turn, support positive mental health outcomes and resilience. This site aims to provide information and education on this topic as well as signposting to further information.

We aim to promote Attachment Aware, ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Educated and Trauma Sensitive approaches so that the best Wellbeing outcomes are possible for all our children and young people. 

If you are going to the Education section then we would recommend reading the site from the start, through each page in sequence. 

Please click on one of the buttons below to access further information.

If you would like to know more about anything you read about on this site then please feel free to contact your link Educational Psychologist. The Educational Psychology Service also welcomes requests for bespoke training to meet the learning needs of Early Years settings and Whole School settings.