To create original and personal ceramic stamps using carving.
These designs will be used to stamp into raw clay that will become a mug that we make for a later project.
Types of Stamps
Types of Stamps
How to make a clay stamp
How to make a clay stamp
Step 1:
Step 1:
Design your Stamp
Design your Stamp
Stamp Design
Stamp Design
Keep it simple.
Remember you are going to be carving your coil at the leather hard stage.
Keep in mind what you want to carve away and what you want to stamp into the clay.
To the Right you can see different ways I can carve away from or into my stamp (imagine that the black is where I carve).
Once you are done sketching, Decide on a design, Color what you intend to carve out in black sharpie, and turn it into the assignment in Google Classroom.