10th Grade Learning Journal

Use this sticker as you seek understanding of the assignment or problem. Typically this will come from the community, your instructor, or your own observation. You must completely understand the objectives of the project to be successful, so this step is crucial. Develop active listening skills! Entry events for a project are usually a great place to start!

Use this sticker as you examine a problem from all angles. Ask questions, observe people, situations, and artifacts. Develop empathy for the problem that people facing the situation are experiencing. Find out what you know and what you need to know. Explore all of it!

Use this sticker as you are discussing and exploring ideas for how to solve a problem. Record these ideas quickly. Ideas may come in the form of graphic organizers, notes, drawings, outlines, or video blogs. Remember to seek feedback before progressing to the next step (then use the Evaluation/Modification sticker).

Use this sticker as you share your more formal ideas--3-d prototypes, mock-ups, drafts, skits, simulations, and storyboards. Remember to seek feedback before progressing to the next step (then use the Evaluation/Modification sticker).

Use this sticker when you are evaluating your decisions at each step in the process. When you note a user’s feedback also note what you intend to do about it going forward.

Use this sticker to explain how you are trying your prototype with real users. Try it out and note the way it performs and is understood by a real audience. Explain methodology and note observations.

Weaving Arts: Bonds

Weaving is the process of going over and under to lock up the weaved materials together. Chemical bonds are similar however they use electrons. we used colored paper to show the type of bond "Covalent" with weaving. Covalently bonded atoms share an electron so  the papers are sharing 1 strip of red paper. Weaving also creates intricate  patterns if you use different colors.

Element art documentation: Iron Fe 

In class we picked our own unique element to make a drawing about luckily I got a cool element, iron. After I did my research on iron about its history and uses as well as properties I chose to create a knight which represents its importance in human history, particularly war. It is portrait of a templar knight clad in armor wielding the two-handed sword called a Zweihander. The art is made completely using one pencil, all the shading is done in pencil and the chainmail is all tiny circles connected to each other. Iron has a metallic glint that we represented by erasing slight bits of the shading on the armor and leaving half the sword pure white to represent the glare you'd get from the side of the bevel closest to the sun. It has a black background surrounding the element name, symbol, and atomic number.
Website I used for my information : Citation 

My Drawing/ Recreation of Van Gogh's

Van Gogh's original drawig

My list of lines and shapes van gogh used

some textures i created 

Mandala Research

A mandala is a art piece made of colored sand. Tibetan monks are taught for many years how to make these mandalas, and after every creation they always destroy it. Each mandala is meant to symbolize something everything from the design of the mandala to the color and what the monks are meditating about when making it. The destruction of the art at the end is apart of the finishing touches to the art, because the art is a ritual it is for a deity. They destroy the art as  representation of the cycle of creation and destruction. Completing a mandala allows the monks to become closer with the deity they represented in the mandala.

Grant Packwood - Experiments with Colors

Experimenting with Colors

In class we learned about the importance of colors and how they affect the art.

Grant Packwood - Experimenting with Shapes

Experimenting with shapes


In class today we learned more about  the rule of thirds and the focal points in the rule of thirds. We also practiced using movement in lines to emphasis the focal points and entice the viewer into imagining more about the image. Me and another student in the class both took a look at our 3 examples made and talked about how one image may be more intriguing based off the focal points and movement.

Grant Packwood - Experiments with LINE: Sol Lewitt Wall Drawings

Experiments with lines


With the assignment we as a class followed a art pieces instructions. Although  maybe underwhelming the real art was the instructions. Learning of this we then had to make our own instructions for our own armpiece and have our classmates follow them. We also  wrote a paragraph on how this piece of art is related to science.

But is it art?7/30/24

Art to me is something you can appreciate and know that there was a thought process put into it. Some "modern art" in my opinion isn't art and some is. Nobody really likes or should like modern art but people see the price that is inflated by millionaires buying them for tax cuts and think its good just because it has a big price tag. If you cannot possibly understand how something is connected and the only thought it provokes is confusion it's not really art. Another school subject that could be art is geometry, many aspects of art itself is based in geometry.

Engineering Concepts


and traversing the path

In the video it shows my robot's ability to go forward backward left and right.  For my robot to traverse the path I would need to edit my code. My code would have to use the forward backward left and right commands at different time and duration intervals. Doing so would allow my robot to go as far forward as I want and to turn at any angle i want and quickly return to moving forward. For the yellow path my robot would have to preform these commands in code form:  Move forward about 3 feet, turn 45 degrees to the right , continue moving forward 4 more feet, take a 90 degree turn right, move a foot and a half forward, take a 90 degree turn left, move 1 foot forward, take another 90 degree left turn, then another foot and a half forward, take a 90 degree right turn, then move 2 feet forward, a 45 degree right turn , and then the final 3 feet forward and that would be the whole path. All this is done  by changing the angle of both the wheels rotation at either 180 or 0. 

What does physics have to do with my robot?

the physics that we are concerned with are going to be mass and friction which are actually related. Mass is basically the amount of stuff or weight we have on the robot, this is important because for our robot to move we cannot have too much mass on it. Friction is broken down into two parts; first static friction which is the friction when your object has yet to move. Kinetic friction is when your object has already started moving which is actually less drag on the object then static friction.

World LIT

9/3/24 plot diagram

Today we added our theme and did ALLOT of research on the time period our story will take place in. Next class we should be able to speed through finishing this and get in done quickly.

10/1/24 2nd day of filming

Today we recorded another scene, this one is our biggest scene with all the actors. It was also really good practice for the future scenes. Getting this done today was very important for completing the short film.

Shaping Our World: Short Film

The Shaping Our World  project is a project about creating a short film involving the events of ancient civilizations that shaped our world today. Scripts are created entirely by students and are acted out, recorded, and edited by those same students.

My group was the ancient Rome civilization, and the topic of our sort film was the persecutions of Christians. The 2 main characters Aelia and Denis(My character) were siblings and their father, a priest, was killed. After that they became the slaves for a general. Denis fights a guard to try to save Aelia  and he is thrown in a cell. He breaks out after reawakening and grabs Aelia to run. The general sees them try to escape and a knife falls out of Aelia charm and she stabs the general with it to escape. That is a summery of  the story and we showed it to our class.