Engineering Concepts  

Page 1

This is the cover page of the Project Brief. For this project we will be DESIGNing AND building a device that can sort skittles by color.This is a Machine learning unit in parternership with A14oPt at georgia tech.

Page 2

This is the second page of the project brief. W weill be presenting our final sorting device and out seprarte machinging learning model to our georiga tech partners.

Robot traversing a Path

Here is my final video and final robot traversing the path for my exam

Moving robot

To the left is my robot video working. On my robot is the robot Chassis that is holding my two motor, my batteries, my pico and lastly my motor . Here is my Git Hub. ( I did the code byself without help!)

Hardware writing 

The picture to the left is showing my wiring table. The wiring table is used to idenifiy where my wires are and where they go.

Drawing Practice 1

This is my Truck in SPP

Drawing practice 2

This is my tractor in SPP

Drawing practice 3

This is my robot in SPP

Robot Traverses the Path

This is the video for Robot Traverses. For this assiment I connected by robot  using the senseore. I used the arrows, up, down, left, right. To traverse my robot around the path.

Git Hub

Forward, Backward, Right, Left!

Here is the video of Forward backward left and Right.  Here is my GitHub

The goal of the signalizer is to allow one skittle at a time to pass through and be able to be correctly identified by the sensor. To make the signalizer we first cut u a cylinder and laser cut two circlers. Then we put wo circles inside the cylinder and lined the two holes. Then connected the servo motor to the circle in the middle.