Physics 物理科

Who is suitable to study Physics ?


  • Proficient in Mathematics 精通數學

  • Curious 好奇心重 about how things works in the universe

  • Good at Problem-Solving & Scientific Reasoning 善於解難及推理

  • Comfortable with computers and different forms of technology 善於使用科技

  • Want to be an engineer工程師, space scientist 太空科學家, physicist 物理學家 or pilot 機師

What will you learn from Physics?


Compulsory Topic 必修部分􀁀:

1. Heat and Gases 熱與氣體

2. Force and Motion 力和運動

3. Wave Motion 波動

4. Electricity and Magnetism 電和磁

5. Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy 放射現象和核能

Elective Part 選修部分􀁀: (Any 2 out of 4 四選二)

1. Astronomy and Space Science 天文學和航天科學

2. Atomic World 原子世界

3. Energy and Use of Energy 能量和能源的使用

4. Medical Physics 醫學物理學

How will you be assessed in Physics?


Paper 1 [Questions set on Compulsory Part] (60%) :

21% MCQ + 39% short questions, structured questions and an essay question

Paper 2 [Questions set on Elective Part] (20%) :

MCQ and structured questions set on each of the four elective topics (10% each). Students need to attempt questions from any two of the four electives.

School- based Assessment (20%) :

At least two times of experiments (6% each) and one time of investigative study or an experiment with a detailed report (8%).

Refer to Science & Technology 理科 for Physics-related University Program