Visual Arts


Why do you need to study Visual Arts ?


  • Enrich aesthetics and arts experiences

  • Strengthen abilities to appreciate and create forms of arts work aesthetically and critically

  • Develop perceptual abilities, generic skills, multiple perspectives and metacognition through autonomous and open-ended processes of enquiry in art learning

  • Enhance cultural and cross-cultural understanding by exploring the art of diverse cultures

  • Cultivate positive attitudes, self-identity and a sense of commitment towards the personal refinement, values and community, the nation and the world

  • Acquire ability for pursuing education and career opportunities in the art and creative industries.

What will you learn from Visual Arts?


Taking Visual Arts as an elective subject, students learn through two closely related strands: visual arts appreciation and criticism in context and visual arts making. This subject provides students with opportunities to study Chinese, Western, local artwork of the past and present, as well to create art with different media.

Compulsory Topic 必修部分:

1. Formal knowledge 形式知識

2. Signs and symbols 符號

3. Types of image and image development strategies 圖像類型和圖象發展策略

4. Modes of presentation 藝術表現的模式

5. Knowledge of history and ways of seeing 歷史知識和觀賞方式

6. Knowledge in context 情境關聯

How will you be assessed in Visual Arts?


Public examination (50%):

Both written presentation on critical appreciation of works of art from personal knowledge and production of a work of art will be used to assess candidates’ performance in a broad range of skills and abilities in the two learning strands: Visual arts appreciation and criticism in context and Visual arts making. Candidates must attempt ONE of the following examination papers: Paper 1: Visual Presentation of a Theme or Paper 2: Design

School-based assessment (50%):

Submit ONE portfolio, which should consist of:

(a) Research workbook (20%) + (b) Artwork/Critical studies (30%)

How can Visual Arts help you prepare for your future?


Visual Arts connects flexibly and well with areas such as humanities 人文, technology 技術, science 科學, economics 經濟, commercial management 商業管理 and languages 語言 in widening the scope of students’ further studies and future careers.

Examples of related fields include art creation 藝術創作, arts administration 藝術管理, art critique 藝術評論, art education 藝術教育, mass media 大眾傳媒, film and video production 影視製作, advertisement 廣告, fashion 時尚, image 形象, product 產品 and architectural 建築, as well as other professions relevant to creative industries 創意產業.

Refer to Other DSE electives for VA-related University Program