S.3 Elective 


HKDSE 香港中學文憑考試

Upon completion of the six-year secondary education, students will take the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), which aims to measure the attainment of students.


Students may take 4 core subjects (Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development), plus 2 to 3 elective subjects from Category A Senior Secondary subjects; Category B Applied Learning subjects or Category C Other Language subjects.


Category A Senior Secondary subjects 甲類高中科目:

There are 24 senior secondary subjects with 4 core subjects and 20 elective subjects. Candidates’ performance in these subjects will be reported in five levels (Levels 1 to 5), with 5 being the highest. The level 5 candidates with the best performance are awarded a 5**, and the next top group of candidates is awarded a 5*. Attainment below level 1 is designated as "Unclassified". While Citizenship and Social Development will be reported in Attained (A) or Unattained (U). Students must achieve attained level to proceed to tertiary education in Hong Kong. 

甲類高中科目共有24科,其中四科為核心科目,其餘20科為選修科目。考生的高中科目成績會被分為五個等級(1-5級),以第5級為最高等級。獲第5級的考生中表現較佳者會獲「5**」,隨後表現較佳的則以「5*」標示。表現低於第1等級的會標示為「不予評級」。而公民與社會發展科則是以「達標 A」及「不達標 U」為準則。學生必須達標以申請專上課程。

Minimum entrance requirements for undergraduate programs


Students taking the HKDSE have to attain a minimum of level 3 for Chinese Language and English Language, level 2 for Mathematics and attained(A) level for Citizenship and Social Development (i.e. “332A”), and level 3 for the elective subjects (level 2 for LU and EdUHK) to meet the minimum entrance requirements of undergraduate programs offered by the University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded institutions, which include :

考生需在中學文憑試中中國語文、英國語文科達到第3級,數學達到第2級、公民及社會發展科(簡稱 「332A」),以及選修科目達到第3級的成績(嶺大/教大:第2級),才符合資格申請修讀大學教育資助委員會(教資會)資助的大學和院校的學士學位課程,當中包括:

Why should I care about elective selection? 

我為什麼要謹慎挑選選修科目 ?

The electives you choose now will directly affect your grade in DSE and the program that you can get into after graduation. Students are not allowed to change their elective subjects upon confirmation at the end of S3. With teacher's approval, students may drop an elective subject and take one less subject in the DSE, but it is not recommended. Please choose your elective subjects seriously and wisely.


Category A electives provided by the school (Provision upon students ability and school situation)    












Other DSE electives 其他選修科:

School-Based Program 校本課程 

Photography and film-making
