Economics 經濟

Why do you need to study Economics?


In the face of globalisation and rapid economic development of the Mainland, Hong Kong has to develop into knowledge society so as to maintain its competitiveness. Studying Economics fosters the development of your rational and logical thinking skills 理性及邏輯思維 and widens your horizon of the economic development of Hong Kong, the mainland as well as the world. These are the human qualities a knowledge economy requires.

What will you learn from Economics?


Compulsory Topic 必修部分􀁀:

  • Basic Economic Concepts 基本經濟概念

  • Firms and Production 廠商與生產

  • Market and Price 市場與價格

  • Competition and Market Structure 競爭與市場結構

  • Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government 效率、公平和政府的角色

  • Measurement of Economic Performance 經濟表現的量度

  • National Income Determination and Price Level 國民收入決定及價格水平

  • Money and Banking 貨幣銀行

  • Macroeconomic Problems and Policies 宏觀經濟問題和政策

  • International Trade and Finance 國際貿易金融

Elective Part 選修部分􀁀: (1 out of 2 二選一)

  • Monopoly Pricing, Anti-competitive Behaviours and Competition Policy


  • Extension of Trade Theory, Economic Growth and Development


How will you be assessed in Economics?


Paper 1 [Set on Compulsory Part] (30%) :  MCQ

Paper 2 (70%) : 

Set on Compulsory Part: 26% Short Questions + 35% Structured/ essay/ data questions

Set on Elective Part: 9% Structured/ essay type questions

How can Economics help you prepare for the future?


Further Study 日後升學:

Studying post-secondary program related to humanities 人文, social science 社會科學, business administration 工商管理, and law 法律

Employment 日後就業:

Engaging in occupations that require higher-order thinking skills, such as analysts 分析師, researchers 研究人員, journalists 記者, and teachers 教師

Refer to Business 商科 for Economics-related University Programs