Tourism and Hospitality Studies


Why do you need to study Tourism and Hospitality Studies?


Tourism and Hospitality is a subject which provides students opportunities to develop generic skills, such as communication, interpersonal, information-processing and problem-solving skills. It includes the learning of the local tourism, hospitality industry, customer relations and service, attractions and different trends and issues related to tourism and hospitality. It requires students’ understanding of the tourism trends and who loves travel.

旅遊與款待是一門為學生提供發展不同技能的科目,如溝通、人際交往、信息處理和解決問題的技能。 課程包括了解當地旅遊、酒店業、客戶關係和服務、景點以及與旅遊和酒店相關的不同趨勢和問題等。報讀學生須要了解旅遊趨勢和熱愛旅行。

What will you learn from Tourism and Hospitality Studies?


Compulsory Topic 必修部分􀁀:

  • Introduction to Tourism 旅遊導論

  • Introduction to Hospitality 款待導論

  • Destination Geography 地理名勝

  • Customer Relations and Services 客務關係及服務

  • Trends and Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 旅遊與款待業趨勢及議題

How will you be assessed in Tourism and Hospitality Studies?


Paper 1 (45%) : MCQ + data-based questions

Paper 2 (55%) : complete three essay-type questions out of five

How can THS help you prepare for your future?


Further Study 日後升學:

Studying post-secondary program related to tourism and hospitality management studies 旅遊及酒店管理學, environmental studies 環境學, and conservation studies 育學.

Employment 日後就業:

Engaging in fields related to hotel 酒店, travel agency 旅行社, convention and exhibition centre 會展中心 etc.

Refer to Other DSE electives for THS-related University Program