(708) 公關及多媒體傳訊

PR and Multimedia Communication

Program Structure 課程結構

•Basic Concept of Public Relations and Communication (40 hours)

公關及傳訊基本概念 (40小時)

•Brand Building and Professional Image (20 hours)

品牌建立及專業形象 (20小時)

•Multimedia Communication Skills (28 hours)

多媒體傳訊技巧 (28小時)

•Application of Multimedia in Public Relations (56 hours)

公關多媒體應用 (56小時)

•Final Project on Public Relations and Multimedia Communication (36 hours)

公關及多媒體傳訊專題研習 (36小時)

 Career Prospects 就業出路

Position at entry-level 初級職位:

marketing assistant, event assistant, media production assistant, public relations clerk


Positions at the managerial level 管理層職位:

marketing manager, event planner, media production manager, public relations manager, brand manager, communication trainer
