Biology 生物科

Who is suitable to study Biology ?


  • Curious 好奇心重 about how things work inside human body

  • With interest in animal 動物, plant 植物, and all types of life form 各式生物

  • Good at Memorizing & Scientific Reasoning 善於背誦及推理

  • Want to work in healthcare industry 醫療行業 or inside a Laboratory 實驗室工作

What will you learn from Biology?


Compulsory Topic 必修部分􀁀:

  1. Cells and Molecules of Life 細胞與生命分子

  2. Genetics and Evolution 遺傳與進化

  3. Organisms and Environment 生物與環境

  4. Health and Diseases 健康與疾病

Elective Part 選修部分􀁀: (Any 2 out of 4 四選二)

  1. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control 人體生理學:調節與控制

  2. Applied Ecology 應用生態學

  3. Microorganisms and Humans 微生物與人類

  4. Biotechnology 生物工程

How will you be assessed in Biology?


Paper 1 [Questions set on Compulsory Part] (60%) :  

18 % MCQ + 42 % short questions, structured questions and an essay question

Paper 2 [Questions set on Elective Part] (20%) : 

Structured questions set on the four elective topics (10% each). Students to attempt questions from any two of the four electives.

School- based Assessment (20%) : 

Scientific investigations, laboratory work, or fieldwork in two ability areas: practical skills abilities (8 %) and reporting of investigative work (12%)

Refer to Science & Technology 理科 for Biology-related university programs