Geography 地理

Why do you need to study Geography?


Geography aims to provide students with an understanding of the Earth and the modern world. Through examining the inter-relationships among people, places and the environment, Geography helps students to acquire an in-depth understanding of the changing contemporary world in terms of space and environment.

Moreover, the study of geography also provides opportunities for students to develop their general intellectual capacity for lifelong learning and generic skills. The enquiry approach adopted in Geography enables students to develop the important abilities involved in values clarification and value judgments, and equips our students to become geographically informed and inquiring people.

What will you learn from Geography?


Compulsory Topic 必修部分􀁀:

  • Opportunities and Risks – Is it rational to live in hazard-prone areas?


  • Managing Rivers and Coastal Environments: A continuing challenge


  • Changing Industrial Location – How and why does it change over space and time?

轉變中的工業區位 — 它如何及為何隨時間和空間的變化而改變?

  • Building a Sustainable City – Are environmental conservation and urban development mutually exclusive?

建設一個可持續發展的城市 環境保育與城市發展是否不能並存?

  • Combating Famine – Is technology a panacea for food shortage?

對抗饑荒 科技是否解決糧食短缺的靈丹妙藥?

  • Disappearing Green Canopy – Who should pay for the massive deforestation in rainforest regions?

消失中的綠色樹冠 誰應為大規模砍伐雨林付出代價?

  • Global Warming – Is it fact or fiction? 全球增溫 是事實還是虛構?

Elective Part 選修部分􀁀: (Any 2 out of 4 四選二)

  • Dynamic Earth: the building of Hong Kong 動態的地球:香港地質與地貌的形成

  • Weather and Climate 天氣與氣候

  • Transport Development, Planning and Management 運輸發展、規劃與管理

  • Regional Study of Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta 珠江三角洲區域研習

How will you be assessed in Geography?


Paper 1 [Questions set on Compulsory Part] (75%) :  

20% MCQ + 15% fieldwork-based questions + 30% Structured questions + 10% Short essay

Paper 2 [Questions set on Elective Part] (25%) : 

15% Data/ Skill- based/ Structured questions + 10% Short essay

How can Geography help you prepare for the future?


Further Study 日後升學:

Studying program related to Architecture 建築, Earth Sciences 地球科學, Geo-Technical Engineering 岩土工程, Humanities Planning 人文規劃, Management 管理 and Social Sciences 社會科學.

Employment 日後就業:

Urban and transport planning 城市與交通規劃, resource and environmental management 資源與環境管理, tourism 旅遊, administrative 行政 and management profession 管理專業.

Refer to Liberal Arts 文科 for Geography-related University Program