Liberal Arts 文科

If you are interested in the following Bachelor's Degree Program, you should take Liberal Arts elective :


Hong Kong University 香港大學

JS6004 - Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies 建築學文學士

JS6028 - Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies 園境學文學士

JS6042 - Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies 文學士(城市研究)

JS6066 - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (double degree)

文學士及教育學士(語文教育) - 英文教育 (雙學位課程)

JS6406 - Bachelor of Laws 法學士

JS6717 - Bachelor of Social Sciences 社會科學學士

JS6810 - Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws (double degree)

社會科學學士(政治學與法學)及法學士 (雙學位課程)

JS6822 - Bachelor of Journalism 新聞學學士

Chinese University of Hong Kong


JS4006 - Anthropology 人類學

JS4020 - Cultural Studies 文化研究

JS4022 - Cultural Management 文化管理

JS4032 - English 英文

JS4094 - Philosophy 哲學

JS4343 - B.A. (English Studies) and B.Ed. (English Language Education)


JS4836 - Geography and Resource Management 地理與資源管理學

JS4838 - Urban Studies 城市研究

JS4848 - Government and Public Administration 政治與行政學

JS4850 - Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學

JS4886 - Sociology 社會學

JS4892 - Global Studies 全球研究

City University of Hong Kong


JS1102 - BSocSc Asian and International Studies 社會科學學士(亞洲及國際研究)

JS1104 - BA English 文學士(英語語言)

JS1106 - BA Digital Television and Broadcasting / BA Media and Communication)

媒體與傳播系 [選項: 文學士(數碼電視與廣播)、文學士(媒體與傳播)]

JS1108 - BSocSc Public Policy and Politics 社會科學學士(公共政策與政治)

JS1122 - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Bachelor of Laws 社會科學學士(公共政策)與法律學學士

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


JS3240 - BA (Hons) Scheme in English and Applied Linguistics 英文及應用語言學(榮譽)文學士組合課程

JS3250 - BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences 應用社會科學(榮譽)文學士組合課程

Hong Kong Baptist University


JS2020 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (Chinese Language and Literature / Creative and Professional Writing / English Language and Literature / Humanities / Translation) 文學士(榮譽) (中國語言文學 / 創意及專業寫作 / 英國語言文學 / 人文學 / 翻譯學)

JS2610 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) (European Studies [French/German Stream] / Geography/ Global and China Studies/ Government and International Studies/ History/ Sociology) 文學士(榮譽) / 社會科學學士(榮譽) (歐洲研究 [法文/德文] / 地理 / 全球及中國研究 / 政治及國際關係學 / 歷史 / 社會學)

The Education University of Hong Kong


JS8222 - Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) - Primary 英國語文教育榮譽學士 — 小學

JS8428 - Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Geography) 地理教育榮譽學士

JS8612 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (English Major) 語文研究榮譽文學士 (英文主修)

JS8825 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme 語文研究榮譽文學士及英文教育榮譽學士 (同期結業雙學位課程)

Lingnan University


JS7123 - Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability 環球可持續發展(榮譽)博雅學士

JS7503 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies 當代英語語言文學課程(榮譽)文學士

JS7606 - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies 文化研究(榮譽)文學士