Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth

Scientific Name: Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth 

Family: Bignoniaceae 

Common Name: Yellow bells, Yellow trumpet, Yellow-Elder 

Hindi Name: पीलिया 


This is a shrub or small tree that reaches 15-20 feet in height and can be pruned heavily after flowering to keep it compact. The fruit on is a "bean type" capsule about 8 inches long that ripens to a chocolate brown color. Yellow bells was discovered by Greg Grant for it's early flowering, heat tolerance, vigor, and pest resistance. The flowers are bright yellow in color, 2 inches long with trumpet shape and hang in showy clusters at the branch tips and forks, bending the twigs into arches with their weight, hence the name Yellow Bells. It has a very long flowering season, from early summer to late fall. 
