Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck

Scientific Name: Citrus limon

Family: Rutaceae

Common Name: Lemon

Hindi Name: निम्बू

Description: Lemon is an extremely common fruit in India. The lemon has a white, fragrant flower with five petals. The mildly fragrant flowers may be solitary or there may be 2 or more clustered in the leaf axils. Buds are reddish; the opened flowers have 4 or 5 petals 3/4 in long, white on the upper surface (inside), purplish beneath (outside), and 20-40 more or less united stamens with yellow anthers. The true lemon tree reaches 10 to 20 ft (3-6 m) in height and usually has sharp thorns on the twigs.

Economic Importance:

Medicinal Importance:  

Cultural Importance: 

In some societies, lemons acted as a symbol of status and wealth. In Rome, China and Egypt, lemons were considered to be a valuable luxury, and the most elite households would decorate their homes and gardens with lemon trees as a way to display their wealth to their visitors

Religious Importance: 

According to Hindu mythology, Alakshmi, sister of Goddess Laxmi, is goddess of misfortune. She likes sour and spicy things. People don’t want Alakshmi to enter their homes, so they hang some lemon and chillies at their door entrances, so that the goddess it from outside and not enter the house, while sweets things like laddus are kept inside the home for Goddess Laxmi to enter the house.