Plumeria pudica Jacq.

Scientific Name: Plumeria pudica Jacq.

Family: Apocynaceae

Common Name: Wild Plumeria

Hindi Name: नाग चंपा

Description: Wild Plumeria an evergreen species of Plumeria native to Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. It is a shrub which usually has one or two slender trunks that branch close to the ground forming a dense slightly spreading crown. Leaves are dark green and unique fiddle-shaped, or spoon-shaped. Large clusters of bright white 3 inch flowers with small yellow centers cover this tree as a beautiful bouquet, hence the common name. The flowers are not fragrant. The plant looks attractive even when it is not flowering, because of its beautiful leaves.

Economic Importance:

It is primarily used as an ornamental plant in homes and gardens.

Medicinal Importance:

Religious Importance:

In Hinduism it is considered to be one of the holiest of trees and is planted near temples.