Citrus × aurantium f. deliciosa (Ten.) M.Hiroe

Scientific Name: Citrus × aurantium f. deliciosa (Ten.) M.Hiroe

Family: Rutaceae

Common Name:

Hindi Name: संतरा 

Description: The orange is a flowering and fruiting shrub usually 2 to 4 meters high, but sometimes turns into a small tree. Narrowly winged petiole. Leaves about 4.5-10 x 2.8-4 cm, narrowly elliptical, dark green. 

The lateral veins are not very obvious, but a closer inspection reveals that they form rings inside the margin of the leaves. The crushed leaves are very aromatic. The floral scent is pleasant. Petals glabrous, around 12 x 5 mm, large and prominent green oily spots, visible to the naked eye. There are about 15 stamens, and the stamens are fused into a tube about 6 mm long, and the free filaments are about 1 mm long.

The fruit is orange-red, usually sunken spherical, about 7-10 cm in diameter, with a spherical surface and orange pulp. The broken leaves smell of fruit. It is widely cultivated around the world and is sometimes found naturalized.

Economic uses: : The essential oil extracted from the orange tree is widely used in aromatherapy, perfumery and condiment. It can be eaten fresh, juiced, or used in a variety of culinary applications. The fragrant white flowers of the orange tree are used in floral waters, perfumes and essential oils. They are also used in traditional medicine to treat insomnia, anxiety and nervous disorders.

Wood: The wood of the orange tree is hard, dense and durable, making it ideal for joinery such as furniture and tool handles.

Peel: The peel of oranges is used to make jams, candied orange peels and various other foods.

It is also used in the production of essential oils and natural cleansers.

Medicinal uses: Leaves: The leaves of the orange tree are used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as coughs, colds, fever and indigestion. The leaves can be brewed into a tea or used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Fruits are used for their delicious taste and nutritional content like high vitamin C content. Known for its sweet, fruity and refreshing taste, it is often used to boost energy and reduce anxiety.