Cascabela thevetia (L.)

Scientific Name: Cascabela thevetia (L.)

Family: Apocynaceae

Common Name: Yellow oleander, Cook tree, Be-still tree, Lucky nut, Mexican oleander, Lucky Nut

Hindi Name: पीली कनेर

Description: Large shrub or a small tree, up to 10 to 20 feet tall with Oleander-like leaves mostly in whorls of three, long and narrow up to 10 inches long. Tip of leaf is pointed with a dark green color. Flowers are generally yellow, but there are varieties with white and orange flowers too. Fruit is small, containing two to four flat seeds. If ingested may experience pain in the mouth and lips, may also develop vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain, nausea and bradycardia shortly after ingestion. 

Economic Importance:

Medicinal Importance:

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