Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre

Scientific Name: Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre

Family:  Fabaceae

Common Name:  Indian Beech Tree

Hindi Name: करंज

Description: Fast growing, multipurpose tree of the humid tropic. It is one of the few N-fixing trees that produce oilseeds. Karanja is a medium-sized evergreen or briefly deciduous tree, usually about 8 m high but that can grow to 15-25 m. The trunk is straight or crooked, 50 cm in diameter, covered with grey to greyish brown bark, smooth or vertically fissured. Karanja has a deep and thick taproot with several secondary lateral roots. They are oily; containing about 30-40% oil. The inflorescence is a 6-27 cm long raceme of typically papilionaceous, very fragrant flowers. The flowers are lavender, pink white in colour, finely pubescent, and 15-18 mm long.

Economic Importance:

Medicinal Importance:

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