Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don

Scientific Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don

Family: Bignoniaceae

Common Name: Blue Jacaranda

Hindi Name: नीली गुलमोहर

Description: Jacaranda mimosifolia is a deciduous tree up to 20 m in height with spreading branches making a light crown. Bark pale brown and furrowed, transverse cracks dividing the ridges between the furrows into long, narrow scales. The bole almost always short and malformed, and up to 40- 50 cm in diameter. Leaves compound and feathery on a stalk to 40 cm; up to 30 pairs of pinnae bearing small, pointed leaflets. Flowers striking blue-violet, in clusters, each flower bell shaped, to 4 cm, usually on the bare tree before leaf growth. Fruit a rounded woody capsule to 7 cm across with a wavy edge, brownblack when mature, splitting on the tree to set free many light-winged seeds. Capsules may hang on the tree for up to 2 years.

Economic Importance:

Medicinal Importance: 

Cultural Importance: