Citrus limon "Limetta"

Citrus limon "Limetta"

Scientific Name: Citrus limon "Limetta"

Family: Rutaceae

Common Name: Sweet Orange 

Hindi Name:मौसम्बी

Description: Sweet Orangeis a citrus fruit also known as  lime, Mosambi. It is a small to medium sized evergreen green tree which grows to a height of 5-7 meters and has a bushy appearance with a spreading crown. The tree has a prickly trunk and branches, and its leaves are glossy, dark green, egg-shaped, with pointed tips. The Mausambi tree produces small white flowers with a pleasant aroma, followed by small green fruits which gradually turn yellow-green or pale orange when ripe. The fruit is round or flat, usually 5-7cm in diameter, and the skin is smooth and thin, easy to peel.

Inside, the fruit is divided into 8-10 parts with a juicy, sweet and slightly sour pulp containing many small seeds.

The tree is native to Southeast Asia, particularly India and Pakistan, but is now widely cultivated in many parts of the world, including the Middle East, North Africa, Australia and the Americas. It likes a warm, humid climate with well-drained soil and tolerates moderate drought conditions. The mausambi tree is valued for its fruits, which are widely eaten fresh or used in various culinary preparations. It is a popular fruit in India and other tropical regions and is usually eaten fresh or in juice. The fruit has smooth greenish-yellow  skin and  sweet, juicy, sour-tasting flesh.  Fruit is available all year round and can be found in most supermarkets and local fruit markets. Sweet lime is used in many ways.

Consumption: Mausambi is commonly consumed as a fresh fruit. It has a sweet and tangy taste and is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients. It can be eaten as a snack, added to fruit salads, or used to make juices and smoothies.  In India, mausambi juice is a popular refreshing drink, often mixed with other fruits such as oranges and grapes. 

Cooking:  It is also used in various culinary dishes such as salads and chutneys. Mausambi juice is often used as a flavoring in various dishes, including curries, marinades, and sauces. The zest of the fruit can also be used to add flavor to desserts and baked goods.

Medicinal: Mausambi is known for its health benefits. It is believed to aid digestion, boost immunity, and improve skin health. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat colds, coughs, and other respiratory problems.  It also contains antioxidants that help  prevent cell damage, improve digestion and lower cholesterol levels. The fruit is also a good source of potassium, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure and heart function. 

Cosmetics: The juice and pulp of mausambi are sometimes used in cosmetics and personal care products, such as soaps, shampoos, and lotions, due to its natural fragrance and skin-benefiting properties.

Industrial use: Mausambi peels and waste products can be used to make essential oils and natural dyes. The pulp and juice can also be used to make animal feed and fertilizers.