Year 10 visit to Ypres, Belgium

Following this, we visited the Hooge Crater museum, previously the site of an Advanced Dressing Station. Students were taken through a living example of the chain of evacuation and also viewed one of only three surviving motor ambulances from the First World War.  The day continued at Railway Dugouts Burial Ground and Essex Farm Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, where Liam Lancaster delivered a remarkably moving reading of 'In Flanders Field' and laid a wreath on behalf of The John Warner School. Students were pensive and reflective at both sites, showing the utmost respect.

Our tour finished in Ypres city centre where students enjoyed some Belgian chocolate shopping for themselves and their families, ahead of eating a hearty meal before heading home. Several agencies working alongside the tour operator, plus staff at border control upon our return, were exceptionally complimentary about the way the students conducted themselves. 

On behalf of the History department, it was an absolute pleasure to take our students on this trip, and we hope their learning experiences were truly enhanced. Notable thanks to Miss Barnes for the organisation of this as trip leader.