In a very short space of time we have overhauled the KS3 curriculum to include music that challenges and supports students. Our schemes of learning show clear sequencing, allowing students to build on skills from project to project. Year 7 are busy learning about their voices and how to use them in a class ensemble. They are looking forward to the Year 7 Concert likely to be held on the 19 October. Letters will be sent home soon inviting parents to attend. 

Our GCSE students have made a great start to the year. They clearly have a love of learning and we have already started arranging our first trip to see the London Philharmonic Orchestra perform at the Royal Festival Hall!

Extra Curricular will be starting the week commencing 18th September. We will be running a choir as well as an instrumental ensemble to begin with. Please encourage your child to come to the music block to find out how they can get involved. I am working hard to get peripatetic music lessons started as soon as possible and hope to have these running shortly.

On a slightly different note, we are desperately in need of music keyboards in one of our teaching rooms. If you have an old dusty keyboard lying around at home and wouldn’t mind

donating it to a good cause we would be most grateful. We will gladly accept any keyboard in good working order and can arrange to collect locally.

Thank you for reading and I hope to meet you at a music event soon.

Jon Starling
Head of Music