Community Project - Reading Programme

On 8 March a selection of  our 6th form students, led by Grace Codlin and including Georgia, Ella, Kiera and Nathalie, began our school's second community project at Roselands Primary School. On a weekly basis Jill Bertolone and the 6th form students will be running a reading programme at the school, involving one-to-one reading. They will also teach library skills, including how to use the library, to Year 5 students at the school.  The first day at Roselands began with our students giving the school's non-fiction library a makeover: we can’t wait to see the finished result!

The goal of the project is to show that children who are engaged with books and who have good literacy have better mental well-being.  It is therefore our intention to work closely with the children to see this happen.

Also a lovely complement to World Book Day!