
Instructional Support Comparison


Quality of Technology Support Reported by Teachers

Teachers are more likely to integrate technology if they perceive tech support quality to be high; it increases confidence that someone will help if problems arise. (LEAD Commission National Survey, 2012).

Speed of Technology Support Reported by Teachers

"Just in time" tech support builds teachers' confidence and can transform instruction since teachers worry less about loss of instructional time. (Walden, 2012).


The Chart shows the comparison of two years of data and the views of technical support. The ratings are slightly lower than the previous year.

This may be due to the new Mobile Device Management system implemented and also a higher response rate than last year's survey. Thirty-nine percent rate from above average to excellent white fifty-five percent rate it average to below.  Quality of support is rated at 27% percent above average to excellent.



Speed and Quality of Support both rate as proficient while the quality of the devices at school is rated as advanced. 

Speed of support could be adequate could be due to the limited amount of technicians the district has. We have one tech spread across two buildings and at other times technicians are not informed of an issue via the ticket system so we are not aware. 

Teachers did receive new devices this summer and students in grades K-2 received new IPADS.  Students in grades 6-8 are currently on year 2 of a Chromebook rollout 

As the devices become more tweaked and older devices are replaced this score should rise.

Also, WIFI connectivity has been a sporadic issue this year causing more support tickets.  As the WIFI is improved the quality of support, should rise.