Budgeting and Planning

The graph below represents the survey data taken from Future Ready Frameworks on the views of Budget and Technology

The data

The data shows good and contact funding streams for technology.

Technology is viewed as being aligned to district and school plans.

However, the efficiency and return on investment are not scored high. 


Increase Return on investment on devices (ROI).  Return on investment can be built through teacher and student 

use of technology in more  productive and educationally stimulating ways using the 4 C's

Year 1 Actions: Engage  with teachers through TILT and BrightBytes surveys to  see where technology and usage gaps lie

Year 2 Actions: Develop a plan of action for coaching needed technology skills for teachers to feel more confident and increase student productivity and collaboration in the classroom. 

Year 3 Actions: Evaluate with Bright Bytes to see improvement.  Analyze and evaluate device type and usage for better teacher and student collaboration and cost-effectiveness.