


Frequency of Online Assessment Given in Class

Frequent digital assessments in the classroom pave the way for success on new, annual tests at the state and national level. (National Academies Press, 2000).

Frequency of Digital Assessment Tool Usage

Digital methods allow the quantity and quality of feedback available to students to be increased (Hattie, 2008).

Teacher Use of Software in the Classroom

Teachers who use grade- or subject-specific software in the classroom typically have higher technology skills and greater comfort with digital learning environments (Walden University Study, 2013).

Structuring the schedule to allow time for teachers to “make meaning” of data from formative assesments—sharing results with stakeholders, identifying root causes of student performance, and considering possible solutions—is an important step in using data to effectively impact student achievement (Datnow & Park, 2015).


This survey was completed by staff from Pre-K to 8th grade so the the response rate to not giving digital assessment could be higher because of the younger students age.  However, forty-eight percent do not build or administer tests that inform their practice.  The staff does however, use data to inform practice fifty-seven percent of the time. Sixty-seven percent of teachers do use assessment to give feedback to students. Fifty-seven percent of staff surveyed do personalize instruction based of assessment data.


The number of teachers that at least monthly use formative assessment technology tools (such as classroom response systems, Google Forms, etc.) will increase each year, as reflected in BrightBytes Clarity reports and walk-through data.
