4C'S Student

Student Use of 4 C'S (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking)

Reed 4c graphic

Reed Student 4 C's (2022)

Reed students do minimal online collaboration, writing or critical thinking with technology.  

Ludwig 4C graphic

Ludwig Student 4C's (2022)

Ludwig students do well in the area of online collaboration but do not write much online nor do any critical thinking projects with technology. 

Oak Prairie 4c Graphic

Oak Prairie 4C's (2022)

Oak Prairie students do collaborate online frequently and do more critical thinking with technology.  They however, do not write much content online.


Reed students do minimal online collaboration, writing or critical thinking with technology. 

Ludwig students do well in the area of online collaboration but do not write much online nor do any critical thinking projects with technology. 

Oak Prairie students do collaborate online frequently and do more critical thinking with technology.  They however, do not write much content online.

The numbers do not reflect what the teachers reported so there may have been confusion on some of the questions for the students. 


The percentage of students that report that their teachers ask them at least monthly to write online; collaborate online with other students and their teachers; collect and analyze data; and make multimedia presentations, will increase each year, as reflected in BrightBytes Clarity reports.


Encourage teachers to assign more collaborative projects for students.


Digital communication increases students' abilities to connect with real-world readers, increasing engagement. (Pew Research Center, 2013)

More opportunities to collaborate digitally foster better teamwork skills. (National Writing Project, 2013)

Most employers cite critical thinking as the most valuable capacity required of staff. (Adobe Education Report, 2013)

Creativity, innovation, and adaptability are the key traits to being a successful employee in high-growth, emerging industries (Pew Research Center, 2013).

Regular use of technology in the classroom is a precursor to connected, transformative learning. (Horizon Report, 2013)

Digital communication increases students' abilities to connect with real world readers, increasing engagement. (Pew Research Center, 2013)

More opportunities to collaborate digitally foster better teamwork skills. (National Writing Project, 2013)

Most employers cite critical thinking as the most valuable capacity required of staff. (Adobe Education Report, 2013)

Creativity, innovation, and adaptability are the key traits to being a successful employee in high-growth, emerging industries (Pew Research Center, 2013).


Reed students do minimal online collaboration, writing, or critical thinking with technology. 

Ludwig students do well in the area of online collaboration but do not write much online nor do any critical thinking projects with technology. 

Oak Prairie students do collaborate online frequently and do more critical thinking with technology.  They, however, do not write much content online.

Overall student numbers report much higher for taking photos, doing multimedia presentations, creating art and music, and making models.  This survey though was only given to grades 3-8 so the audience is smaller than the teacher survey which surveyed all grade levels. 

The numbers do not reflect what the teachers reported so there may have been confusion on some of the questions for the students. 


The percentage of students that report that their teachers ask them at least monthly to write online; collaborate online with other students and their teachers; collect and analyze data; and make multimedia presentations, will increase each year, as reflected in BrightBytes Clarity reports.


Encourage teachers to assign more collaborative projects for students.

Create a time for technology celebrations for staff to show the use of technology being used in the classroom.

Allow students more creative time with technology in the classroom with student choice activities.