Future things to consider

Communication tools

As we embrace the community we may want to look at enhanced parent communication apps.  These applications can control all  Social Media content, create better avenues for teacher communication to parents and allow for sharing of student events.

SEL monitoring tools

Today's students are exposed to too much more media that can be both harmful and dangerous for a young mind to interpret.  Adding an application that can monitor student email chatter and messaging can help diagnose students who may be suffering from cyberbullying or need behavior interventions.

STEM/STEAM tools and applications

STEM and STEAM programs allow student to embrace science and creativity.   We provide some robotics know in the media centers and have a robotics club at Oak Prairie.  STEM and STEAM can expand however, to things such as drone photography, using labdiscs to measure real world experiments, and virtual reality simulations to take students into new areas they never explored before. 

POE Power

As we continue to purchase new technologies we need to look at the POE, (Power of Ethernet) supply of our switches, and as we refresh them make sure we include abundant power to new switches.  We have many devices that require POE such as phones, access points and such and as we move forward the power needs will only grow.