Young Adult Events & Activities

Young Adult Events

Below is an outline of all the events that are specifically for young adults. Collectively, they are referred to as Chorus! 

Anyone who is registered for Chorus also gets full access to the many other offerings as part of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) National Symposium on Living into the 8th Principle.

See the full National Symposium schedule.

Young Adult Lounge

Throughout the symposium, the Upper Lounge (Building E, above the Starbucks just off the Robert Gillett Commons) will serve as an informal gathering space for young adults to find each other and touch base in between programming. Note that this area is open to the public. 

Friday, May 19
Young Adult Mini-Con Part 1 - 1:00 - 5:00 pm ET
In person and partially on Zoom (find your local time)
Location: E206 A&B, Gillett Commons Building
On the first day of the conference, young adults and bridging youth are invited to the opening Young Adult (YA) Gathering. Meet friends, both old and new, join for icebreakers, crafts, games, songs, and snacks and get to know others in the YA community!  You can join us at any time in the afternoon!

Young Adult Social - 8:45 pm ET

Location: Upper Lounge, Gillett Commons Building 

Following the Confluence Lecture, join us for conversation and company with your fellow Unitarian Universalist (UU) Young Adults! After first connecting with each other, some young adults may choose to join the Symposium Social in the Wolves Den (Athletic Building). 

Saturday, May 20
Bridging Youth and Young Adult Dinner - 5:00 - 7:00 pm ET

Location: A restaurant near the CanUUdle site (TBA)
Now in its 15th year, the Bridging Dinner is a valuable opportunity for older youth (17-19) and young adults (YA) to get to know each other in a relaxed setting and for us to welcome bridgers into our YA community. We hope to carpool from Algonquin College, leaving at 5:00 pm.

Cost: included in all YA registrations. Advance registration is required. 

Bridging Ceremony - 7:30 - 8:30 pm ET
The Bridging Ceremony will be livestreamed on Zoom (find your local time). Contact for the link. 

Location: First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa (CanUUdle site).

We'll travel as a group from the bridging dinner.
Bridging is a symbol of the transition from youth to young adulthood. Help us welcome the newest YAs! Young adults are invited to participate in this YaYA-led worship service that is specifically for our two communities. The service will feature a Bridging Ceremony to mark special life transitions as well as readings, reflections, and music. 

Sunday, May 21
Young Adult Worship/Singalong - 8:30 pm ET (after Banquet/Symposium Closing Ceremony)
Location: Salon A & B, D Building
Join us for this informal YA tradition of singing our favourite hymns/songs together for as long as we feel like it!

Monday, May 22
Young Adult Mini-Con Part 2 and Closing Worship  - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm ET
In person and partially on Zoom (find your local time)  
Location: E206 A&B, Gillett Commons Building
Gather once more in beloved young adult community to check in about how the symposium was for us, enjoy some more shared activities, and have final worship to close the weekend together. After the closing, some people may need to leave, and some may like to go to a nearby restaurant for an optional lunch together. 

After registration closes, registered participants will receive a pre-packet by email with more details about these young adult events, including a detailed schedule with locations.