CanUUdle Registration

CanUUdle Registration 

Registration is open until May 1, 2023, through our online registration form.

Cost: Sliding scale registration: $75 - $110 - $140  - $170

Payment methods: 

Youth and Young Adult Subsidies: Subsidies are available to help with registration and travel costs for youth, advisors, and young adults through the Dawning Future Youth and Young Adult Subsidy Fund. Applications for assistance for CanUUdle and the symposium must be received by April 5 to give enough time for processing and booking travel. Visit the subsidies page to read more and apply with the easy online application form 

All Adult Advisors must provide a signed Congregational Involvement Form

Note: Youth under 18 no longer need to provide an Informed Consent Form, as these permissions are now included within the registration form. 

Youth/Advisor Matches: As per our Youth Safety policies, this event uses a youth/adult ratio of (8:1). All youth (regardless of age) are required to have a sponsoring advisor attend the event along with them. If you aren’t sure exactly which youth you will be sponsoring, or if you are registering a youth without a confirmed advisor, simply note this on the registration form and CUC staff will be in touch before the event to help match you with someone, if needed.  

MyceliUUm Network: This year, your CanUUdle registration also serves as a registration for the MyceliUUm Youth Network of Canada, which is a year-round online UU youth community. Participants will be invited to join the protected Discord server, and will be invited to join online events periodically throughout the year. Read more about this CUC program. If you wish to opt-out, simply contact