Plan B - Moderate Transmission Risk

All Elementary Students Attend Four Days a Week, Students in Grades 7-12 Attend Two Days a Week on a Hybrid Schedule


    • School start-times will be delayed one hour to allow for teacher preparation for those students opting-out of in-person learning.

    • Each school's schedule will be posted here, as available.

    • There will be NO BUILDING USE AFTER 4:00pm to allow ample time for deep cleaning each night.


    • We will continue with the same bus routes, practicing social distancing, and requiring mask-wearing.

    • We recognize that our existing bus plan falls short. The decision to continue with the same bus routes is based entirely on the lack of additional funding from the government.


    • Students will be seated, wherever possible, with 6-feet between them and surrounding students.

    • Where 6-feet distancing is not possible, plexiglass barriers will be installed.


    • All students will attend and be in cohorts Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

    • Wednesdays will be distance learning days to include office hours, teacher planning time, and professional learning.

  • GRADES 7 - 12

    • Students in grades 7-12 will attend on an AA/BB Hybrid to improve social distancing:

      • Group A will attend on Mondays and Tuesdays (Group determinations are forthcoming).

      • Group B will attend on Thursdays and Fridays (Group determinations are forthcoming).

      • Wednesdays will be distance learning days to include office hours, teacher planning time, and professional learning.

    • Students with IEP's in grades 7-12:

      • In grades 7 and 8, students with IEP's will attend Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

      • In grades 9-12, we may request that some students with IEP's attend Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in order to access the services identified in their IEP.

The CDC has provided a helpful document for parents and guardians as we prepare for the reopening of schools.