District-Wide Policies

District-Wide Policies

The following policies will be adhered-to in all four Region 14 schools:

  • MASKS - Everyone in our school buildings will wear masks at all times when 6-feet social distancing is not possible

      • During lunch, mask breaks, and physical education, students will be at least 6-feet apart to be able to remove their masks safely.

      • Tables will be available outdoors, as weather permits, for lunch as well.


    • Student desks will be distanced per current state recommendations.

    • Students will be seated facing the same direction.

  • HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING - All faculty, staff and students will receive health and safety protocol training.

    • Training will be mandatory.

    • Student training will be age-appropriate.


    • Should a student experience symptoms while at school, an isolation room has been designated in each school building for the student to be isolated and monitored while awaiting parent pick-up.

    • The isolation rooms have a dedicated bathroom for the student's use.

  • BUILDING SIGNAGE - Social distancing and directional signage will be prominent in all buildings.


    • The number of students in the bathroom at a time will be monitored to optimize social distancing.

    • Paper towel dispensers and no-touch trash cans will be available to completely dry hands and dispose of the towel without touching another surface.

    • Hand sanitizing stations will also be available outside of the bathrooms and in numerous locations throughout the schools.


    • Students will eat lunch while social distancing. All appropriate spaces in the buildings will be utilized to provide appropriate distancing.

    • We encourage students to bring their own lunches. For those who do not, there will be a choice of two meals each day according to the monthly menu posted by Food Services on the district website. Sharing of food will not be allowed.



    • Students must wear a mask on the bus.

      • Additional masks will be provided to the bus drivers to give to students who don’t have one.

      • Students who refuse to wear a mask and those with documented medical conditions who are unable to wear masks will be seated at the front of the bus, individually, with the windows open. Those refusing to wear a mask will meet with an administrator upon arrival to school.

    • Seats will be assigned and seating charts will be developed to identify possible exposure. Students must occupy their assigned seat.

    • Middle school and high school students will be separated on the buses to minimize contact between students from different schools.

    • Buses will be disinfected between the secondary and elementary runs.