Our Task and

Our Plans

Our Task

The Connecticut State Department of Education required that each local education agency develop three plans for reopening schools. Each plan is based upon the level of transmission risk of COVID-19. Please note that these plans may change based on updates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Connecticut State Department of Education and/or the Pomperaug and Torrington Health Districts.

The information provided on this site is a summary of the document that Region 14 submitted to the State. You can view the document in its entirety through this link.

The Adapt, Advance, Achieve document provided the following note on page 4 at the time of the document's release:

The Connecticut State Department of Education provided the following table on July 30, 2020 in Addendum 4 regarding the leading and secondary indicators of COVID-19 infection levels to guide the Superintendent's decision-making in conjunction with local health officials and the Board of Education.