Plan A - Low Transmission Risk

All Students Are Invited to Attend School Everyday

    • CONTINUED REMOTE LEARNING - Families have the option of their students participating in distance learning.

      • In accordance with page 6 of the Adapt, Advance Achieve: Connecticut's Plan to Learn and Grow Together document from the State, temporary support options must be provided to students who voluntarily choose to engage in learning from home.

      • Students will have access to their Google Classrooms through their Region 14 district login.

      • Students and families will have access to the CT Learning Hub where "high quality, high impact resources and curricular materials" are available from the State of CT. This site is accessible now, however, resources continue to be uploaded as developed.

      • School start and end times will be modified to provide teachers time per day to prepare materials for our learners participating in distance learning (schedule forthcoming).

    • COHORTS - The guidelines from the State define a cohort as "a group or team of students and educators with consistent members that stay together throughout the school day." (p. 11) Cohorts are strongly encouraged for grades K-8 and encouraged where feasible in grades 9-12.

      • Elementary students will be in grade-level cohorts with teachers moving to their classrooms for instruction.

      • Middle School students will be in cohorts within their core classes.

        1. Students’ Unified Arts classes will be assigned based on student-interests.

        2. Hallways and stairwells will be divided for maximum social distancing.

        3. Passing time will be staggered.

      • High School students will maintain their regular course schedule so they can continue to access the diverse courses that best prepare them for post-graduation plans. In grades 9 and 10, students are typically with the same peers for their core classes. Cohorting becomes increasingly more difficult in grades 11 and 12.

        1. The daily schedule will be altered to a 4 period per day schedule to limit the number of interactions each day.

        2. Hallways and stairwells will be marked as one-way for passing time to avoid face to face contact.

The CDC has provided a helpful document for parents and guardians as we prepare for the reopening of schools.