
(as of 9/8/2020 - subject to change)

The following motion was passed unanimously during the Special Meeting of the Region 14 Board of Education on 8/31/2020:

"The Superintendent of Schools is authorized to permit the conducting of those fall sports that he, in his discretion, in consultation with the state and local health officials, Department of Public Health and the Board of Education, determine can be played safely, provided there are appropriate protocols in place."

Woodbury Middle School Fall Sports Notice

Nonnewaug High School COVID-19 Return to Sports Plan

Region 14 schools will be following the DPH guidelines to ensure the safety and the acknowledgment for the return for sports in the 2020-2021 seasons. Region 14 will also be considering recommendations and guidelines from the CIAC. Region 14 has created a COVID-19 Advisory Committee recommended by the CIAC. If there are any questions about the return to play to sports please feel free to reach out to Mr. Curtin at 202-263-6418.

CIAC Return to Play COVID-19 Document

CIAC 2020 Fall Sports Plan 8-27-2020

Region 14 COVID-19 Advisory Committee

Building Principal (or designee): Pam Sordi
School Physician: Dr. Needleman
Athletic Trainer: Sean McGee
Superintendent (or designee): Mark Harutunian
Athletic Director: Declan Curtin
School Nurse: Sandy Snabaitis
Coach: Toby Denman

Procedures and Policies

September 2nd COVID-19 Orientation

Athletes and Coaches will have to attend a COVID-19 orientation at 4:00 at the turf field. Please bring a mask and your own water. As always, social distancing will be enforced. This orientation will explain the responsibilities Coaches and Athletes must ably by during daily training sessions and games. Each team will come in at different times to prevent crossovers between teams. Everyone will be educated by the school's athletic trainer on safety precautions, PPE’s, daily symptom checklist and other important information.


All staff and students are required to self-screen for any observable illness, including cough or respiratory distress, and to confirm temperature below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit before arriving to any sporting event. Officials, medical staff, and media should self-screen prior to attending an event. Any person with COVID symptoms must notify school personnel, be removed from participation, self-isolate, and contact their primary care provider or other health-care professional.

Coaching Duties

Coaches will be a “key” factor in preventing the spread of the virus. Coaches will be given an inferred thermometer and a sign and symptom checklist created by the CIAC. Coaches will need to record EACH athlete's temperature and symptoms on a DAILY basis using the CIAC Sign and Symptom checklist (Below). Coaches will be responsible for the thermometer and caring for the records in a hard cover binder. If any athlete has a temperature of 100.4 or higher or has any signs and symptoms the athlete must be sent home immediately and the athletic trainer should be notified.

Coaches will also need to help clean equipment, benches and any other objects that have been used by an individual. Coaches will be receiving cleaning/disinfecting supplies. Coaches will be responsible in maintaining a 6-foot distance for all individuals. They will also need to enforce face coverings when athletes are not participating in vigorous activities and water breaks.

In addition, Coaches must follow the rules set out by the CIAC for their designated sport. They must also follow the 3-week conditioning program to allow athletes to acclimate before the season starts.

Athlete and Parent/Guardian Duties

Athletes must check their own signs and symptoms every day before their extracurricular activities and must have no signs and/or symptoms. If an athlete is experiencing any signs or symptoms at all they must remain home and contact their primary care physician or other medical personnel. Any vulnerable individual should not participate or even supervise any sessions.

Athletes must still have an updated physical every 13 months. Although, due to the high demand to seek medical attention the CIAC has extended updated physical for 15 months for FALL ATHLETES ONLY. The CIAC still recommends that fall athletes should still try to get an updated physical within the 13 months.

Athletes will also be responsible for their own water. Region 14 will NOT provide any sort of hydration stations.

Athletes are responsible to bring and wear a suitable facemask. The only time a facemask should be taken off is during water breaks and any type of vigorous activity.

Athletes must maintain a proper hygiene. Athletes are encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning to home. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces. Appropriate clothing/shoes should always be worn to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment/surfaces. There should be no shared athletic towels, clothing, or shoes between athletes.

Season Spectator/Fan Attendance

It is Region 14’s position to NOT allow any parents or spectators during practices or games. This has also been supported with a recommendation from the DPH and CIAC.

Gathering Limitations

During practice/conditioning, athletes should remain grouped in smaller cohorts a maximum of 10dpeople at the beginning of the season. When not directly participating in practices or contests, care should be taken to maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet between each individual. Consider using tape or paint as a guide for athletes and coaches.

Cleaning Facilities

Adequate cleaning schedules will be created for all athletic facilities. Prior to an individual or groups of individuals entering a facility, hard surfaces within that facility should be wiped down and sanitized (chairs, furniture in meeting rooms, weight room equipment, bathrooms, athletic training room tables, etc.) Hand sanitizer will be available in multiple places.

Weight Room - Closed for the season

Locker Rooms – Closed for the season

Athletic Training Room (ATR) – Only one athlete at a time in the athletic training room. At no point should anyone be allowed in the ATR without the athletic trainer present. The ATR will be disinfected and cleaned before and after seeing a patient, in addition to cleaning before the ATR is open and after the ATR is closed.

Avoiding Contact

There will be strategies to prevent groups from gathering at entrances/exits to facilities to limit crossover and contact, including staggering starting/ending times. There will be a specific drop off and pick up place. Please be tentative, plans are still being created, listen to your coaches and look for updates.

Face Coverings

Cloth or disposable face coverings, approved by local DPHs and school districts, should be worn at all times! The only time face coverings are allowed to be taken off is during vigorous activity, high intensity aerobic or anaerobic workouts, distance running, or swimming and water breaks. Plastic shields covering the entire face (or attached to a helmet) must be approved by CIAC.

In accordance with CDC guidance - “face coverings are not intended to protect the wearer, but rather to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 from the person wearing the mask (who may not have any symptoms of disease).” (CDC Consideration for Youth Sports, 2020) “Face coverings may be challenging for players (especially younger players) to wear while playing sports.” (CDC Consideration for Youth Sports, 2020) “Face coverings should be worn by coaches, youth sports staff, officials, parents, and spectators as much as possible.” (CDC Consideration for Youth Sports, 2020)