
Should a group of men stranded on a boat for days with no help in sight, who revert to cannibalism to stay alive avoid litigation? Did you know that in New York, “Citizens may not greet each other by putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers?” All of us have been to a baseball game-suppose you get hit with a foul ball. Can you sue? Can you press charges against the team in question?

In this law class, you will learn about a variety of interesting civil and criminal actions. During the semester, this class will expose you to the integral workings of our civil and criminal justice system. You will also put your keen detective skills to work in trying to solve one of the most famous crimes in history-The Jack the Ripper murders.

The project for this course is completing a Photo-Story on Famous Trials. With a little “common sense” we will navigate through the web of our civil and criminal justice processes.

Grades 9-12 1/2 Credit