Vogel Intermediate Remote Learning

Vogel Intermediate School

Vogel Family,

This site exists to provide learning experiences beyond the regular classroom for Vogel Intermediate students. It was created specifically to support students and their families during the school closures related to COVID-19, but we hope to continue this resource going forward. Please know that the site is a work in progress, and we will continuously update with learning experiences connected to the curriculum and to challenge students to explore their interests.

Our goal is to not overwhelm you as parents but to give your children a little sense of normalcy in regards to learning and keeping them involved in some of what school offers. Students are not required to complete all the work provided. Work through what you can, when you can.

New office hours are 8:00- 3:00, Monday through Friday. If you have any questions, you can call us at (832) 663-4300 or email us at vogel@conroeisd.net.

We are here to serve you. If you have any needs, not just academic but food, technology, or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Mrs. Christa Haymark, Principal