Dress Code Policy

According to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Board policy, extreme styles in clothing and grooming may be detrimental to the maintenance of discipline, student safety, and morale in school. Student dress or grooming that is substantially and materially disruptive to the learning environment or to student health or safety is prohibited. The principal and her staff are responsible for determining and enforcing regulations governing proper dress and grooming of students.

RRHS Dress Code (Raven Code)

    1. Clothing that is significantly disruptive to the learning environment or to student health and safety is prohibited.

    2. Students are required to wear shoes at all times. Bedroom shoes are not permitted. Please be mindful that in an emergency appropriate shoes are necessary for your safety. Wearing shoes that can get caught under other people’s feet, slide off easily, or be difficult to move in quickly during an emergency are a safety risk to you and others and should not be worn.

    3. Skirts, shorts, and dresses shorter than 3 inches from the top of the knee (regardless of the length of your arm) are not permitted.

    4. Tops must cover the chest, back, stomach, and shoulders (2 fingers width). (Midriff, spaghetti strapped tops, and jerseys are not permitted unless accompanied by a sweater/shirt.)

    5. Headgear (i.e., hoods, hats, do rags, bandannas, bonnets, sunglasses) are not permitted inside the building unless for religious purposes.

    6. Pants and shorts must be worn at the waist. Undergarments should not be visible.

    7. Blankets or other large draped items are not to be worn.

    8. Pants/Jeans with holes are not permitted if large areas of skin or undergarments are exposed.

    9. Form-fitting clothes, biker shorts, pajamas, catsuits, or see-through clothing are not permitted.

    10. Any clothing that displays offensive language/pictures or clothing considered inappropriate by administration is not permitted (i.e., gang activity, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, nudity, obscene language or slogans/pictures that are demeaning to any group or gender).

Interventions & Consequences

● 1st Violation - Verbal warning for non-compliance. Parent will be notified after each student warning.

● Students will be assigned ISS until the student changes into the appropriate clothing.

● Students will be given two warnings (documented in Powerschool after each encounter) before receiving OSS for insubordination. If a parent is unable to pick their scholar up by 10:30 am, the student will remain in ISS for the remainder of the day and the suspension will begin the following school day.

  • Dress code violations that occur before school will be addressed and documented by BMT, ISIC, Security & Administrators.

Staff This will take "ALL HANDS ON DECK" It is imperative that staff be on one accord, and help address students that are not in compliance to the Dress Code Policy.