Classroom Video Policy

Teachers are expected to carefully plan and to exercise professional judgment and discretion in selecting videos to use in classroom instruction. In making this selection, teachers should use the following guidelines:

    1. The video content must support the Common Core State Standards.

    2. The video content must have a connection to the particular curriculum of the specific class in which the video will be shown.

    3. As a rule, teachers should use appropriate excerpts rather than showing an entire video.

    4. Teachers should plan preliminary and follow-up activities to enhance the curricular connection.

    5. No video with a rating of “X” or “NC-17” may be shown in any school.

    6. Before showing a PG-13 rated video in middle school or an R-rated video in high schools, the teacher must have approval from the principal or principal’s designee and have a signed permission slip from the student’s parent or guardian.

    7. Alternative activities must be available for any student whose parent denies permission or does not sign the permission form.