
We can have many types of relationships in our lives. We may have relationships with friends, romantic partners, family, teachers and workmates. They can have a significant impact on our mental health and wellbeing. If relationships are positive then they can provide us with a feeling of being cared for. When our relationships are not going well, they can cause us to feel unsure of ourselves and reduce our self-esteem and confidence.

When thinking about your relationships consider:

  • How do I feel around them?
  • Am I able to be myself around them?
  • Do I feel listened to?
  • Do I listen to them?
  • Are we able to respect each other’s beliefs and interests?
  • Do they show interest in me?
  • Do they possess the qualities that I value in a person?
  • Am I balancing my relationships?
  • Am I missing my friends/family/work by concentrating on one relationship?

Sometimes, for many reasons, relationships may not be what we expect. It’s important to know what makes a healthy relationship, what to do and how to look after yourself in a relationship. Check out some of the links for more information.

If your relationship breaks down or if you have a falling out, you might feel upset, have less motivation to do things or lose your appetite or sleep. If you would like to speak with someone about your relationships consider talking with a friend, family member, teacher or a counsellor.