Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

As we use more and more technology to communicate, learn, socialise, and share we need to recognise the importance of taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and of treating others with appropriate behaviour online.

Just as there are rules in society, there are rules in the digital world, and we need to ensure that we are responsible and safe when we use technology.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority recommend that when we are participating in a digital world we consider the following:

Know your online world – Think about how you protect your information, remember to keep your details secure, check your settings are private and check them regularly, and know who you are befriending on line.

Choose consciously – think before you post/text, consider how this will affect you and others. Do you have permission to post about other people? If you are unsure what App or game your friends or children you may wish to get more information before you download it. Check out the Office of the Children's esafety Commissioner's link below for a links, descriptions and supports.

Engage positively – Think about what you are posting/typing: is it true, is it helpful, is it necessary?

Report cyberbullying or inappropriate content. If you need help speak with a trusted person and check out the "Cyberbullying Complaints" link