Keep Learning

We often think about learning as being something important for children or young adults. We place a great deal of importance on making sure young people develop skills, knowledge and experience to help them on their journey into adulthood. But research shows it’s just as important for people of all ages and life stages to keep learning for happiness, health and wellbeing.

Keep Learning Intro video

Belle, Jed, staff and students talk ‘Keep Learning’

KEEP LEARNING flyer - 5 Ways to Wellbeing-A4.pdf

Keep Learning Flyer

Learning new things can be fun, can boost our self-confidence, our self-esteem, improve our knowledge, help us cope with stress and enjoy life. Learning can be about challenging ourselves to do something in a different way – and you can learn in any environment, not just at school. There are many ways you can learn something new.

Why it’s important to Keep Learning

The adult brain is capable of rewiring itself well into middle age, incorporating decades of experiences and behaviours. Research suggests that the middle-aged mind is calmer, less neurotic and better able to sort through social situations.

With a brain already full of well-connected pathways, adult learners should “jiggle their synapses a bit” by confronting thoughts that are contrary to their own. It can include anything from reading multiple viewpoints on a subject or learning a foreign language to taking a different route to work. Anything that is different from our usual patterns will help.

Learning new things can be fun, boost our self-confidence, self-esteem, help us to find meaning and purpose in life, and connect us with others.

Studies show learning throughout life can help us enjoy life more, and improve our knowledge, thinking skills and ability to cope with stress.

Broadening our minds helps us gain insight into life, ourselves, and the world around us, which are all good things for our wellbeing.

How to Keep Learning

Learning is about challenging ourselves to do something in a different way to what we’ve done before – it doesn’t have to mean getting more qualifications. Learning can take many shapes and forms and you can learn in different environments (at home, or while you are shopping, for example), not just at school or uni. It’s easy to fit learning into your daily routine, as long as you’re open to different experiences.

Set yourself a new challenge today and you will immediately see the rewards of achieving a new goal.