12 Painting

Level 2 Painting  allows you to  explore a range of  drawing and painting  techniques and is assessed  through a range of internal assessments and an external folio. The course includes access to 20 credits. In this course students will analyse and investigate mehtods, processes and ideas related to  established practice in depth  while developing an individualised approach. Students will be encouraged to enter the school Art Exhibition in October. 

There is a materials fee for this course of approximately $60 which you must pay through Officemax. This covers paper(s), gesso, drawing media, painting mediums, the folio boards and both folio and double sided tape. For this course students will also require the relevant Painting art kit (either the full kit, or an the paint essentials) available through Gordon Harris link here. Search for "Rangitoto College" and purchase either the full kit or top up kit (with added paints).

Student Exemplar

Course Information L2 Paint
2.2/2.3 Painting 2022