A Level Philosophy & Ethics

Religious Studies

Examination Board: OCR

Course Type: A Level

Examination Board Specification: Click here

Assessment Objectives :

            • A01 Knowledge and understanding

            • A02 Analysis and evaluation. Presenting a coherent argument

Unit 1 - Philosophy of Religion

  • Ancient philosophical influences: Plato and Aristotle

  • Arguments for the existence of God

      • Ontological argument - Anselm

      • Cosmological Argument - Aquinas

      • Teleological Argument - AQUINAS

  • The mind body and soul - Plato, Descartes

  • The Problem of evil and suffering - Augustine and Irenaeus

  • The problem with religious Language - Wittgenstein, Barth,

Unit 2 - Ethics

      • Natural Law - Aquinas

      • Situation Ethics - Fletcher

      • Kantian Ethics - Kant

      • Utilitarianism - Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mills

      • Applied Ethics

          • Euthanasia

          • Business Ethics

          • Sexual Ethics

      • Meta ethics

      • Conscience - Aquinas and Freud

Unit 3 - Development of Christian thought

  • Human Nature - Augustine

  • Life after death - Calvin and Hick

  • Knowledge of the existence of God - Calvin, Barth, Dawkins

  • The person of Jesus -

  • Christian Moral Principles - Augustine, Aquinas, Fletcher

  • Faith in Action - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • Liberation Theology - Boff, Torres, Romero

  • Secularisation

  • Pluralism

  • Gender and theology - Daley and Reuther

Where can an A Level in Philosophy and Ethics lead?

    • In short, wherever you want it to. It complements all subjects; many philosophers/theologians studied in Philosophy and Ethics were also Scientists and Mathematicians for example Descartes, Kant and Isaac Newton. The intellectual and academic challenge of this subject is widely recognised at all the top universities, Oxford and others offer their renowned Philosophy, politics and Economics degrees, (PPE). Career opportunities include Law, journalism, politics, teaching, psychotherapy and the civil service