KS4 Child Development

Head of Department: Mrs T. Green

Email: tracey.green@cleevepark-tkat.org

Examination Board: OCR Cambridge National

Aims of the Course

This is a 2 year course that focuses on the development of children from conception to five years of age. The course provides students with a sound understanding of the importance of health and well-being for a child’s development, the equipment and nutritional needs children require and the developmental norms from birth to five years of age.

Curriculum Intent and Impact


The curriculum aims to give every student the understanding of what it is to be a parent and how to provide the child with what is needed for it to grow and develop from 0-5yrs old. Teaching and learning will ensure students fully appreciate all the challenges, excitement, considerations and responsibility that comes with being a parent. Students will gain knowledge of how to keep a child safe, whether it's within the home, outside or online, by the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the equipment they use or the games they play. This Child Development will develop this knowledge by using as wide a range of approaches to learning as possible, including practical opportunities, research opportunities and the use of real life scenarios. This will allow the students developing knowledge and understanding to grow and for them to apply their knowledge and practical skills. They will also be given the opportunity to develop their group and independent learning skills throughout the course.


By teaching the course through a wide range of methods, the students will be engaged in the lessons and play an active role in their learning. Students will become independent learners, who are able to challenge their learning both in the classroom and through home learning, whilst all the time becoming critical, analytical and practical thinkers. Due to the skills developed students would be able to progress onto their next stage of learning, especially to courses within the fields of Child Care and Health and Social Care.

General Description

All students will study three mandatory topics as follows:

      1. Health and well-being for child development: This unit underpins the whole course and covers areas such as reproduction, parental responsibility, antenatal care, birth, postnatal checks, postnatal provision, conditions for development, and childhood illnesses

      1. Understand the equipment and nutritional needs of children from birth to five years: This unit looks at factors to be considered when choosing appropriate equipment to meet all of these needs, nutrition and hygiene practises, and investigate feeding solutions. It also looks at how to provide a safe environment in which children can grow.

      1. Understand the development norms of a child from birth to five years: For the final unit students will gain knowledge of, and skills in, developing activities to observe development norms in children up to the age of five. This topic will include researching, planning and carrying out activities with a child and observing and evaluating these activities, as well as comparing the child to the expected development norms.


Unit 1: 40% of the qualification – OCR set written examination; 1 hour 15 mins. 80 marks.
Unit 2: 30% of the qualification – Centred assessed coursework. 60 marks

Unit 3: 30% of the qualification – Centred assessed coursework. 60 marks