Head of Faculty: Mr Crouch

Email: ben.crouch@cleevepark-tkat.org

Examination Board: AQA

Aims of the Course

The GCSE PE course has been further developed, allowing students to establish a greater understanding of the theory behind sport. The new course consists of two exams with a weighting of 30% each whilst the practical element is worth 40% of the final grade. The exams focus on the movement and reactions of the human body during sport and the socio-cultural aspects of sport, meaning there is a broad and topical theory content.

Students acquire the skills to make informed choices about their own physical development, whilst getting involved in physical activities that meet their needs. They also learn how to analyse and evaluate performance, making effective plans for improvement.

General Description

During the course students will study the following areas:

  • Applied anatomy and physiology

  • Movement analysis

  • Physical training

  • Use of data

  • Sports psychology

  • Socio-cultural influences

  • Health, fitness and well-being


When thinking of choosing GCSE Physical Education you should:

  1. Enjoy playing and watching a variety of sports.

  2. Represent the school or teams outside of school.

  3. Read about other sports (besides football) in a quality newspaper or the internet.

  4. Be prepared to work hard to improve your knowledge and understanding.


Students are assessed as a player/performer in three sports, choosing from an individual sport, a team sport as well as one other from either of those categories. For each of their three activities, students will be assessed in skills in progressive drills and in the full context. Students will also be assessed on their analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity. There are two terminal exams in the second year of the course.