KS4 Drama

Head of Faculty: Jon Hunter

Head of Department: Mrs H. Celebioglu

Email: hatice.celebioglu@cleevepark-tkat.org

Examination Board: Eduqas

Aims of the Course

The Drama GCSE offered by Eduqas enables students to:

  • Apply knowledge and understanding when making, performing and responding to drama

  • Explore performance texts, understanding their social, cultural and historical context including the theatrical conventions of the period in which they were created develop a range of theatrical skills and apply them to create performances

  • Work collaboratively to generate, develop and communicate ideas

  • Develop as creative, effective, independent and reflective learners able to

  • Make informed choices in process and performance

  • Contribute as an individual to a theatrical performance

  • Reflect on and evaluate their own work and that of others

  • Develop an awareness and understanding of the roles and processes

  • Undertaken in contemporary professional theatre practice

  • Adopt safe working practices

General Description

The Eduqas GCSE in Drama is an exciting, inspiring and practical course. The specification promotes involvement in and enjoyment of drama, as performers and/or designers. Additionally it provides opportunities to attend live theatre performances and to develop skills as informed and thoughtful audience members.

Learners will investigate a practitioner or genre of drama, work collaboratively to develop ideas to communicate meaning and experiment with dramatic conventions, forms and techniques to produce and realise a piece of original theatre. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the performance of an extract from a published performance text.

Learners will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of drama, including their ability to interpret texts for performance, in a written examination. However, in preparation for this assessment, learners are encouraged to study their chosen text practically as a performer, designer and director.


  • Devising Theatre - Non-exam assessment – 40% of qualification

  • Performing Theatre - Non-exam assessment – 20% of qualification

  • Interpreting Theatre - Written examination( 1.5hrs) – 40% of qualification