
Digital Schools award

As a school, we have a virtual visit on the 18th May 2023. During the visit, Jen McKay spoke with pupils and staff across the ELC and schoool. She was very impressed with everyone and the work that they have been doing.  We were told on the day that we were successful in achieving the Digital Schools Award. This is a massive achievement for all at Redwell!

Clackmannanshire - Redwell Primary School - Validation report 18.05.23.pdf
Redwell Primary School DSA Award Certificate ..pdf

We have a website that has a wealth of information and resources to help on our journey with online learning. 

This website is available to all parents and carers to support learning at home. 

At Redwell, we focus on a variety of skills and knowledge from our learners, teachers and leaders to ensure that we are constantly moving forward and thinking about new and creative ways to use technology. 

Digital Learner

Digital Teacher

Digital Leader

Digital School

Digital Learner - ELC

Digital Practitioner - ELC

Digital ELC

As a school, digital literacy and technologies have been a vital part of our learning in the last year. Pupils and staff have had to use digital learning platforms and negotiate a variety of website, apps and programmes to complete their learning. 

We have engaged in online safety and cyber resilience lessons to ensure that we are safe online. We have taken part in online assemblies from Google, in the Be Internet Legends programme and building our Legends in school and at home.

We take part in coding sessions, using block based coding languages that allow us to use our computational thinking and problem solving skills. 

In school, we use a variety of different resources to expand our learning such as, Merge Cubes, Lego, Lego Technic, Lego Boost and WeDo, K'Nex, BlueBots and BeeBots and ClassVR. 

Primary 4 -7 are part of the 121 device project through Clackmannanshire Council Education Service. These are used throughout the day in class and can be taken home. 

We have a trolley of Chromebooks in our Green Wing and our Primary 3 classes have access to these Chromebooks throughout the week.

Redwell has 20 Micro:bits that were received through Education Scotland funding in Computing Science. These will be used in Computing Science coding lessons and STEM lessons. 

Each class has 5/6 iPads. These can be used for AR and VR apps to bring learning to life in class as well as accessing apps and online sites to enhance learning. 


Micro: Bits

Lego Boost

Food and textile

During food and textiles lessons, we will be looking at the food journey, sustainability, farm to fork, preparation and creativity.

We are building a variety of partnerships to support this learning. 

Computing Science

We take part in a variety of unplugged and plugged coding activities thinking about the computing science language that goes with that. 

We use a variety of resources to support computing science.

Digital literacy

Digital Literacy is something that encompasses the capabilities required for living, learning and working in a digital society. 

Throughout our learning, we are having to display digital literacy skills to complete our work. 
