School Uniform

School Uniform

Our school uniform is made up of the following:

Grey or black trousers (no jeans or leggings), Grey or black skirt, pinafore dress

White polo-shirt

Navy Sweatshirt

We ask that your child also brings a waterproof jacket with a hood and wears either black or navy school shoes.

Please remember to label all items of your child’s uniform.

School uniform can be purchased at Scotcrest

Gym Kit

Children receive 3 sessions of PE a week and their PE kit should consist of:

T-shirt (preferably matching their House Colour)


Gym shoes (preferably slip on or Velcro plimsolls for younger children)

Gym bags will be kept in school and returned at the end of each term.

Nursery Uniform

Nursery Uniform is available to purchase.

It consists of

White polo shirt

Red sweatshirt

We ask that you provide your child with a waterproof jacket and a pair of Wellie boots for outdoor play.

Please ensure you label all of your children's belongings.

Nursery uniform is available to buy at Scotcrest.